NORDIC FEED - Special products

Product range

Nordic Feed FAT Dextro

Rumen-protected fat powder with dextrose

Combination of rumen-stable fat powder and dextrose to improve energy supply and feed intake.

  • Combination of rumen protected fat and imediately available sugar (dextrose)
  • Rumen-stable fat increases the energy intake per portion without disturbing the rumen microflora
  • Dextrose improves the taste and may increase feed intake
  • Increased enegry supply to the cow and rumen microflora
  • Energy content: 21,4 MJ NEL/kg or 31 MJ ME/kg
  • Certified GMP+

Recommended application

Feed Nordic Feed FAT Dextro as supplement with 200-500g per cow per day or 100-150g per calf per day.